Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Model UN

On Wednesday, May 4, 2011 our 8th period class arrived at school early in the morning. You may ask be wondering why and so we'll tell you. It is because we were going to the State Department to participate in Model UN. Just in case you don't know what UN stands for it's United Nations. we, Evelyn, Grace, and Angela, were delegates for Zimbabwe on the Human Rights of Refugees and Immigrants committee. Only Angela had ever participated in Model UN before.
          We all learned how to write a position paper, motion for a moderated or unmoderated caucus, motion for a point of personal privilege, and more. We enjoyed the experience of working with other students to come up with solutions to solve the world's problems. One thing none of liked  was that it was FREEZING in the room and that made it hard to concentrate. In the future the temperatures of the rooms should be regulated better. One question we all still have is: why didn't they serve a dessert with lunch?

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