Tuesday, April 12, 2011

America I Am Exhibit Summary

In my opinion the exhibit was really cool. I really liked how they didn't sugar-coat anything they kept it real and simple. They really taught me the dirty secrets of America and how they treated the African American race in America. They had so many great artifacts to show us what they used during the slave trade. The exhibit in my opinion was the best one I have been to in a while.

America I Am means that if the negro population did not exist then we wouldn't have the music we have, the arts, clothes, and fashion.Some objects I saw at the exhibit would be....

-Prince's guitar.
-Michael Jordan's jersey.
-2Pac's poetry diary.
-Slave trade shackles and chains.
-Frederick Douglass' documents and bill of sale.
 I saw many other objects to but those are just a few. All of the artifacts were cool but some just made me sad and angry. Especially the KKK exhibit it made me feel disgusted.

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