Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hello World

I'm the one in the middle on the right from your point of view:)
Hey, my name is Gabrielle but I'd prefer to be called Gabby. I love my life and expect to live a long and happy one too! I enjoy trying new things! I'm a wonderful Gemini, of course 'cause Gemini are the best! Mhm..I went there. My role model is probably my mom because she is loving, caring, and I can talk to her about anything. In the future,I look forward to becoming an actress or singer or becoming a teacher. The highlight of my life is that I'm alive....that's really cool.I'm also a straight "A" student on the honor roll. I love laughing and I love making people laugh. I also love food, roller coasters, and doing very acrobatic type things like walking across the monkey bars at my school. My personality is very unique and different from a good way! I hope that I will enjoy this experience sharing a blog with American Junior Girls Team!

-Peace.Love.Gemini.- : )

Friday, September 24, 2010

Something Interesting About Moi

Hey my name is Taylor and I'm 13. My Birthday is June 7, 1997. That's right, I'm a Gemini and they are the best. I have a lot of good friends and I love to sing and act. I love learning about new things and I love music. Also, I love to go swimming. I also like to write stories and poems too. I joined the Cluster when I was in 5th grade. I like doing things for people and I LOVE to have a good time. I really look forward to graduation this year but I will miss a lot of the people from Stuart Hobson. The high schools I'm looking into are Duke, McKinley and Wilson. My role model is my mom because she has inspired me to be the best I can be in life and she is such a loving person. The highlight of my life so far has been seventh grade because I faced a lot of things like preparing for eighth grade and also there was so much drama that it just was so hard to believe. My future holds happiness. In my future, I want to be surrounded by loved ones and have a job that I can make a lot of money from.

Mia, Noel, Toni, Japria, Najma, Maya, Enanu, Brianna, Gabby H, Taleya, Toree, Aliya G, Aliyah C, Alexis G, Jennella, Tiffani, Shannon, Terrnika, Terrina, Mykia, Noelle B, Nyla, Noelle E, Kirsten, Etc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I got more swag than my siblings, I'm a Gemini , fun-loving, and awesome. My role model is my mommy because she just shows me and my sisters what being a woman and a mother is like. She can be your best friend but she can also push you so you can achieve in life, she shows that she wants the best for us and not the worst, and she taught wrong from right and you can learn from your mistakes. The highlight of my life is when I joined the volleyball team and I am officially on the team so I can play in my first game being here. I hope that  can go pro in volleyball and play all through high-school and college. If you really get to know me I can be the most awesome person you ever met.

What you might want to know about me

 Hey there, my name's Angela and if there is one thing you have to know about me, it's that I am a bookworm. Seriously! Some people think I'm a tomboy, which I am, I guess. My role model is J.K. Rowling,who (if you don't know) is the author of the "Harry Potter" books, which happen to be my favorite books of all time, she is an inspiring person, because she never gives up and is VERY creative. The highlight of my life so far is reading books. I told you I'm a bookworm.  In my future I hope to be either an engineer or an author, because  I also love to write. That's all for now.

Dorie Miller-The Man of Service

"Above and beyond the call of duty". Not only did Dorie Miller say it, he did it. He showed us what serving our country really means. He helped this country and died with honor. He was loyal and true, like an American should be. He was the first African American to receive the Navy Cross Award which was the third highest award in the Navy at that time. He also received a Purple Heart for his dedication to this country. We are proud to represent him.