Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Day Lt.Broadwater Came

On the past Thursday, Lt.William Broadwater came and visited out school to tell us about his experience with the Tuskegee Airmen. He told us some very interesting and useful information. He also told us some life lessons. One life lesson I learned while he spoke was that no matter how hard a person tries to put you down, you have to continue and follow your dreams. This is so because many Caucasians put down the African-American men that were apart of the Tuskegee Airmen, but they kept fighting because they didn't want anyone to get in the way of their dreams. Another life lesson I learned from Lt.Broadwater's friend Mr.Jones is that school will help you with whatever you want to do with your life.. I learned this because he was talking about how in his past, he had to take classes he didn't like such as all of the different math classes he took in high school. But when he got older, those classes helped him with his job as an Air Traffic Controller. I also learned that when you feel down and you think that your dreams won't come true, you must look at the bright side and think about what will happen if you do go through with your dreams. That's what the Tuskegee Airmen did, and they changed the history of our country.

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