Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dorie Miller-The man who altered history

When Dorie Miller joined the Navy he was just a cook. He was a black cook who didn't think he would get any higher in life than that. That was until December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor when he grabbed a 50 mm gun. He shot down a Japanese plane and became a hero. He became the first African American man to recieve the Navy Cross. Though he had to wait 6 months before he got it. Believe it or not, a lot of people did not want him to get it. After that he got to serve in the Navy.. That is, until 1943 on the U.S.S. Liscome Bay when he was killed. Dorie Miller changed the way people thought about black people in the navy. He also incouraged more black people to join the Navy. He is a very important person in history. that is why our class is named after him.