Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Day Mrs. Jenn Came In

About 2 weeks ago Mrs. Jenn a good friend to Ms. Trenkle came in to talk about the Revolutionary War. Ms. Jenn showed us pictures of where in Boston it took place and also talked to us about how the National Park Services works with the renovation of the landmarks. The Revolutionary War was very brutal women could go outside to get a pail of water and see the smoke of the war. Winters for the American side were brutal because they didn't have the proper clothes, not enough food, and not enough weapons. The French worked with the Americans and showed them new war tactics like guerrilla warfare. You may wonder what that is but basically it is when you hide behind a tree with camouflage clothing on and you ambush your enemy also hit and run. That is what the Americans used to weaken the British Army. America had many advantages, one they knew the land, second they weren't overly confident like the British, and third they stuck together even through rough times; those are just a few. After the war George Washington commended his army for their endurance during the war in a letter he sent to all of his former soldiers. Then the Americans came up with the Paris Treaty stating that America can fish off the coast lands of Canada, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia, and other land also any captured prisoners. The British also had some share in the treaty to but the treaty was never fulfilled after it was created. So that was the day of when Mrs. Jenn came in.